Nikolaus Walter, Austria
I am excited that you are here and welcome you warmly!
You will find information about how my path led to music and teaching and about my professional life as a performer and pedagogue. The site also includes some of my special areas of interest such as body awareness and Miksang Photography. I am excited to introduce the newest addition to the page, which is dedicated to my alumni.
On the bottom of each page you find a link to my thoughts about each topic. I hope this encourages you to learn more and explore further.
I invite you to contact me with inquiries, comments or for more information about any of the content on these pages. You can find the different classes I offer under the Offerings page.
The landscape fotos on the bottom of the first and last page as well as on the Miksang page are my own shots.
Thank you for visiting. I am grateful you are here.
Eva Amsler